Friday, July 28, 2023


Once, there was no sun Raven knew that an old man & his daughter had it. He transformed into a leaf which the daughter ate & had a child. The old man let the child play with the sun & Raven flew away but the sun escaped, so we have the sun today


#firstNationsart #nativeNorthwestart #nativeAmericanart 

#canadianAboriginalart #nativeindianart  #davidNeel #ravenAndSun

Friday, July 21, 2023

A chief’s daughter was abducted by the bears. She married the son of the chief & they had 4 children. Her brothers found the bear village and came for her. Her husband offered his life if his children would be spared - Bear Mother gold ring

-      #firstNationsart #nativeNorthwestart #nativeAmericanart 

-      #canadianAboriginalart #nativeindianart  #davidNeel #goldring #weddingring #goldweddingring


Wednesday, July 12, 2023

The Butterfly is a universal symbol of freedom and liberty. It is also one of the more graceful Northwest Native designs.

-      Butterfly pendant, Silver with gold accents


-      #firstNationsart #nativeNorthwestart #nativeAmericanart 

-      #canadianAboriginalart #nativeindianart  #davidNeel


Monday, July 3, 2023

This portrait style frontlet of a chief’s late daughter from the 1800’s was a big influence on my work. The mask is my portrait of my ancestor, Chief Mungo Martin. I have carved masks like this of a number of my ancestors, although portrait masks are almost a lost tradition in Northwest coast Native art.